MTs PKP Jakarta Islamic School
Rabu, 28 Desember 2011
SPIDY RESCUE ROBOT ( MTs PKP Jakarta Islamic School )
For detect people on some where on natural disaster, like in earthquake and a twister
- To explore the natural disaster area example earthquake or twister
- To know situation on the area
- To collect data in a disaster area by using a camera, ultrasonic sensors, sound detectors, and speakers to deliver a message for asking help
- To deliver messages in the form of information gathered from the robot to the base in order to help disaster victims
Height40 x Weight 40 x Tall 20 cm
2.7x2.7x1.35 m
Scale 1:6.75
How it works
The Robot programmed based the situation
This Robot controlled by a remote
This Robot is using a Wireless Camera
Speaker is to load helping voice
This Robot has 3 sensors
› Sound Sensor use for detect human voice or any others sound
› Ultrasonic Sensor use to see an object
› Color Sensor uses if Ultrasonic or Sound Sensors detect object or sound
Transmit data from robot to the receiver in base
1. Sound Sensor = To detect human voice or others sound
2. Ultrasonic Sensor = To detect an object
3. Color Sensor = Is to detect if Ultrasonic or Sound Sensors detect object or sound
4. Legs = To explore the area
5. Wireless Camera = Watching Situation
6. Wireless Transmiter = To transmit the data
7. Color Monitor = To describe the color
8. Motor Servo = To move the legs
9. Cable = To connect the other component
Battery = To store the powerRabu, 14 Desember 2011
robot pkp jis
dukung dan pilih robot dari pkp jakarta islamic school ya mewakili d INDONESIA di IRO 2011>>SPIDY RESCUE ROBOT, D-1, TheloperBot>> di
Senin, 26 September 2011
Definition / Understanding Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
1.According to Eric Deeson, Harper Collins Publishers, Dictionary of Information Technology, Glasgow, UK, 1991
"Information Technology (IT) the handling of information by electric and electronic (and microelectronic) means."
Here includes handling the transfer.Processing, storage and access, IT special concern being the use of hardware and software for these tasks for the benefit of individual people and society as a whole "
From the above explanation: human needs in the pick up and move, process and process information in a social context that benefit themselves and society as a whole.How is the implication that can benefit individually and society as a whole does not is defined more specifically.
2.Information Technology in the National Curriculum, England and Wales, 1995
"Information technology (IT) capability is characterized by an ability to use IT tools effectively an information source to Analyse, process the information present, and to model, measure an external control events.
This Involve:
· Using sourcxes information and IT tools to solve problems
Using it · tools and information source, sich as computer systems and software packages, to support learning in variety Contexts;
· Understanding the implication of IT for working life and society.
Should pupils be given opportunities, where Appropriate, to develop and apply IT Their capability in Their study of National Curriculum subjects. "
From the above explanation: there seems to be a reference potential of ICTs to be reached and the system of values in work on daily life are going dibelajarkan, such as the value of what needs to be developed in a community social system with regard to the ability to use ICT
3.According to the National Education Indonesia Puskur th ... ..
a.Information and Communication Technology (ICT) includes two aspects, namely Information and Communications Technology.
i.Information Technology is to include all matters relating to process, use as aids, manipulation, and management information.
ii.Communication technology is all things relating to the use of assistive devices to process and transfer data from one device to another.
b.Information Technology and Communication Technology is an inseparable counterpart containing the broader sense of all activities associated with the processing, manipulation, management, and transfer / transfer of information between media
4.According sannai anatta, Jakarta Indonesia, 2004
Information and communication technology is a medium or tool in gaining knowledge of a person to other people
Kamis, 08 September 2011
Mohon maaf lahir dan batin
Jumat, 29 Juli 2011
Kamis, 07 Juli 2011
Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012 | |||||
No | Nama | Asal Sekolah | LULUS/TIDAK LULUS | Keterangan | |
Urut | Form | ||||
1 | 001 | Dimas Indira Anggoro | SDN 13 Pekayon | LULUS | |
2 | 002 | Rifki Ahmad Setiawan | SDN 03 KDW | TIDAK LULUS | |
3 | 003 | Satrio | SD Pd. Ranggon | LULUS | |
4 | 004 | Viola Pricilya | SD IT Al Kamil | LULUS | |
5 | 005 | Sjahmagri PS | SD I Pondok Duta | LULUS | |
6 | 006 | M. Fajar Shidiq | SD I Pondok Duta | LULUS | |
7 | 007 | M. Azis Terra Fauzan | SD Pekayon | TIDAK LULUS | |
8 | 008 | M. Rizqi Syahputra | SDIT Darul Athfal | TIDAK LULUS | |
9 | 009 | Nurul Ramadhani | SD IT Al Kamil | TIDAK LULUS | |
10 | 010 | Noer Sheraina | SD IT Gen - R | LULUS | |
11 | 011 | Taufik Setiawan | SDN 04 Ciracas | LULUS | |
12 | 012 | Muhammad Nadhif Rasyiddin | SDIT Buah Hati | LULUS | |
13 | 013 | Rayhan Ahmad Zabir | SDN 10 Pagi | LULUS | |
14 | 014 | Rangga Saba Al Ghiffari | SDI Pondok Duta | LULUS | |
15 | 015 | Muhammad Hafiz Kurnia | SDI Pondok Duta | LULUS | |
16 | 016 | Aina Rizky Andini | SD Sukatani I | LULUS | |
17 | 017 | Samara | SD N 11 Pekayon | TIDAK LULUS | |
18 | 018 | Deri Setiawan | SDN KDW 06 | TIDAK LULUS | |
19 | 019 | Lasefie Zahiya Pertiwi | SD N 02 Cilangkap Pg | LULUS | |
20 | 020 | Muhammad Rizki Aufar | SDN 10 Cibubur | LULUS | |
21 | 021 | Agung Afif Trisetiyo | SDN 17 Pekayon | LULUS | |
22 | 022 | Winda Nur Palah | SDN 010 Petang | TIDAK LULUS | |
23 | 023 | Fawwaz | SD IT Arafah | LULUS | |
24 | 024 | Pangeran Wildan Pasya | MI PKP | LULUS | |
25 | 025 | Muhammad Erfan | SD Kartika XIII | LULUS | |
26 | 026 | Evi Trianasari | SD Kartika XIII | LULUS | |
27 | 027 | Silvia Berbinda | SD Kartika XIII | LULUS | |
28 | 028 | Sri Handayani | SD Kartika XIII | LULUS | |
29 | 029 | Dwi Prihantoro | SD I Amarillys | LULUS | |
30 | 030 | Arsy Arsyamsy | SD I Amarillys | LULUS | |
31 | 031 | Hariri Sofa | SD I Amarillys | LULUS | |
32 | 032 | El Aziz Galih Wicaksana | SDN Sukamaju IV | LULUS | |
33 | 033 | Syafiq M. Quazito Aji | SDN Cijantung | TIDAK LULUS | |
34 | 034 | Shafira Azhaara | SDN 08 Cibubur PT | LULUS | |
35 | 035 | Raka Kusuma W | SDN 10 Cibubur | LULUS | |
36 | 036 | Naufal Rozzi N | SD I Al Hamid | LULUS | |
37 | 037 | M. Haykal Kemal | SDN 10 Cibubur | LULUS | |
38 | 038 | Zahra Ramadhanty | SDN 10 Pagi | LULUS | |
39 | 039 | Fauzah Dwi Ramadhani | SDN 01 | LULUS | |
40 | |||||
Mengetahui, | Jakarta, 21 Juni 2011 | ||||
Ka. MTs. PKP Jakarta Islamic School | Ketua Panitia PPDB MTs. PKP Jakarta Islamic School | ||||
Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012 | |||||
Drs. MUNDARIH | SULASTRI, S. Pd | ||||
NIP. 196602052007011040 | NIP. 196905202007012037 | ||||
Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012 | |||||
No | Nama | Asal Sekolah | LULUS/TIDAK LULUS | Keterangan | |
Urut | Test | ||||
1 | 056 | ABILIYAN IBRAHIM KAUTSAR | SD Harjamukti 4 | TIDAK LULUS | |
3 | 057 | ADITHIA FARHAN AL GHANI | SDN Bambu Apus 01 | LULUS | |
4 | 086 | AFIFAH NURUL HASANAH | SDI Al Madinah | LULUS | |
5 | 077 | AGMIRANDA SEKAR AYUNINGRUM | SDN Cibubur pagi 04 | LULUS | |
6 | 047 | AHMAD LUTFI MUZAKKY | SD I Amarillys | LULUS | |
7 | 081 | ALWAN ADI WIBOWO | SDN 03 Cilangkap | LULUS | |
8 | 043 | ANGGARA PUTRA | SD N 05 Cipayung | TIDAK LULUS | |
9 | 082 | ANISA MELINA | SDN 10 Pekayon | LULUS | |
10 | 066 | ANNISA AZZAHRO | SDN 11 Ciracas | LULUS | |
11 | 050 | ARYA GUSTI PUTRA | SD Balik Papan | LULUS | |
13 | 040 | AZANISA FEBRI ANTI P | SD Tunas Muda Islam | LULUS | |
14 | 051 | BENARIVO ABIGIA R | SDN 12 Pekayon Pg | TIDAK LULUS | |
15 | 089 | BIMA NAUFAL FAWWAZ | SD Mekar Sari 06 | LULUS | |
16 | 065 | BIMO BINTANG N. | SDN Kelapa Dua Wetan | LULUS | |
18 | 068 | DESVIANA VIDIANTI | SD I Al Azhar Syifa Budi | LULUS | |
19 | 084 | DHITA INDI LARASATI | SDN Cibubur 10 | TIDAK LULUS | |
20 | 063 | DIMAS PRIAMBODO | SDN Tugu 2 Cimanggis | LULUS | |
21 | 062 | ELIAN FARKHAN | MI Attahiriyah | TIDAK LULUS | |
22 | 049 | ELLIN WIDIASTUTI | SDN 04 Kelapa Dua Wetan | LULUS | |
23 | 042 | FANZA FATINA A | SD Generasi Robbani | TIDAK LULUS | |
24 | 052 | FARIS ABDURRAFI | SDN Menanggung | LULUS | |
25 | 071 | FRISCA ARTHA AULIA | SD Negeri 6 Cileungsi | LULUS | |
26 | 064 | HAFIDZ MUHAMMAD FAZAR | SDN 10 Kalisari | LULUS | |
27 | 044 | HERFINA NURULITA | SDI Pd. Duta | LULUS | |
29 | 092 | KAFI RAMADHAN | MI Salsabilla | TIDAK LULUS | |
30 | 045 | KEVIN FERIANSYAH W. | SDN Pekayon 17 Pagi | LULUS | |
31 | 061 | MIRZA RACHMAT | SDN Ciriung I | LULUS | |
32 | 076 | MUHAMAD REVIN SAPUTRA | SD 01 Pasar Manggis | LULUS | |
33 | 080 | MUHAMMAD HERDIANSYAH AP | SDN Cibubur pagi 04 | LULUS | |
34 | 048 | MUHAMMAD KHATAMI RAFSANJANI | SDN 01 Pg Cilangkap | LULUS | |
35 | 079 | MUHAMMAD RIZKY | MIN 16 Cipayung | TIDAK LULUS | |
36 | 055 | NIKE NUR JANAH | SDN 3 Cibubur | LULUS | |
37 | 070 | NURLEYLA PUSPITASARI | SD Negeri 12 Pekayon | LULUS | |
38 | 067 | R. AUDI | SDN 11 Ciracas | TIDAK LULUS | |
39 | 073 | RACHMAT GUNAWAN | SDN 02 KDW | LULUS | |
40 | 069 | RACHMAT SAKTI | SD Negeri 07 Pekayon | TIDAK LULUS | |
41 | 087 | REYHAN | TIDAK LULUS | ||
42 | 060 | RIZEKI ADIKA KANE | SDN Tugu 10 Depok | TIDAK LULUS | |
43 | 091 | RIZKY MERINDA GITA PUTRI | SDN 10 Kramat Jati | LULUS | |
44 | 074 | RR. DELLA ATISHAZIA BELLA | SD Al Azhar Cibubur | TIDAK LULUS | |
45 | 085 | SHENNY SALSABILA | SDN Pd. Ranggon | LULUS | |
46 | 094 | SITI GHIA AZZAHRA | SD IT Rohama | LULUS | |
47 | 072 | SYIFA AMALIA SAFITRI | SD Negeri 6 Pekayon | LULUS | |
48 | 093 | TASYA ALMIRA | SD Semut - semut | TIDAK LULUS | |
49 | 041 | TRI HARTONO | SD I Amarillys | LULUS | |
50 | 090 | TRI WULAN SARI | SDN Mekas Sari 2 | LULUS | |
51 | 088 | WILDAN ABDAN SYAKURAN | SD Fajar Hidayah | LULUS | |
52 | 046 | YOANI PUTRI SURGAWI | MIN 16 Cipayung | LULUS | |
53 | 054 | YOGA HENDRA | SDN 05 Baru | TIDAK LULUS | |
54 | 075 | YOVANDRI DENIMARTA | SD Amarillis | LULUS | |
55 | 059 | YUNI LESTARI | SDN 04 Cibubur | LULUS | |
56 | 053 | YUNIA FRIDAYANTI | SDN Sukamaju Baru | LULUS | |
Mengetahui, | Jakarta, 7 Juli 2011 | ||||
Ka. MTs. PKP Jakarta Islamic School | Ketua Panitia PPDB MTs. PKP Jakarta Islamic School | ||||
Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012 | |||||
Drs. MUNDARIH | SULASTRI, S. Pd | ||||
NIP. 196602052007011040 | NIP. 196905202007012037 |
Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011
Rabu, 11 Mei 2011
Selasa, 10 Mei 2011
Peran Teknologi Informasi untuk Mendukung Bidang Psikologi Kognitif
Perkembangan teknologi informasi ini pun telah merambah ke berbagai sektor termasuk dalam bidang psikologi, salah satunya bidang psikologi kognitif. Psikologi kognitif mempelajari tentang cara manusia menerima, mempersepsi, mempelajari, menalar, mengingat dan berpikir tentang suatu informasi. Dalam bidang ini sangat dibutuhkan peran kognitif manusia. Baik untuk menggunakan maupun untuk mengembangkan kognitif yang dimiliki manusia. Telah banyak tersedia software-software yang berkaitan dengan materi-materi yang ada dalam psikologi kognitif, misalnya tutorial, mindtools, drill and practice, dan lain-lain. Penggunaan software tutorial dapat dilihat pada penggunaan software pembelajaran yang telah banyak dipakai di sekolah-sekolah. Hal ini dapat mempengaruhi motivasi belajar siswa yang nantinya mempengaruhi prestasi siswa tersebut. Dalam software pembelajaran tersebut (tutorial) tercantum materi-materi yang akan dipelajari di kelas, dilengkapi dengan latihan soal dan evaluasi. Materi pelajaran, latihan soal, dan evaluasi yang disajikan disini tentunya telah menggunakan sistem komputer yang baik, sehingga siswa dapat melihat peragaan materi secara langsung dengan menggunakan animasi yang ada. Untuk mendapatkan materinya pun tidak terlalu sulit. Para siswa cukup mengcopy materi kemudian mereka dapat mempelajarinya di rumah dengan sistem komputer yang tersedia. Hal ini tentunya akan mendorong psikis siswa untuk semangat belajar dan mendapatkan prestasi yang baik.
Senin, 09 Mei 2011
robot agrikultur pertanian
Autonomous Crop Treatment Vehicle (1993-1996) Name: ACTV. Champion: Nick Tillett Type: Two wheel drive, differential steer Tillett and Hague Technology Ltd | |
The Weedy robot from the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science University of Applied Sciences Osnabrueck, Germany Name: Weedy. Champion: Arno Ruckelshausen Type: Four wheel drive / Four wheel steer A related paper can be found here (in German) | |
The autonomous tractor developed at Copenhagen University in Denmark. Name: Hako. Champion: Hans Griepentrog Type: Rear wheel drive / Front wheel steer modified grounds tractor Power: 27hp Diesel Related projects: See RoboWeed and Safe and Reliable Notes: Standard front, centre and rear linkages allow multiple implements to be attached. Details can also be found on these pages here. | |
The autonomous Christmas tree weeder developed at Copenhagen University in Denmark. Name: ACW. Champion: Henrik Have Type: Rear wheel drive / Front wheel steer modified grass cutter Power: 9 kW Petrol Notes: Retractable side cutter Details can also be found on these pages here. | |
The Supportive Autonomous Vehicle for AGriculturE built my MSc students at the Piraeus Institute of Technology, Greece in collaboration with University of Thessaly. Name: SAVAGE. Champions: Kostas Tressos & Ioannis Andreou Type: 4WD / 4WS portal Power: 4x200W electric motors Notes: simple mechanical design allowed fabrication by blacksmith. | |
The Autonomous Platform and Information system. Originally built by 2 MSc Students at the Danish Technical University (Mobile Robot for Weeding). Their thesis can be found here. Further work was carried out on the API design by 3 MSc students at Aalborg university. Name: API. Champion:? Type: 4WD / 4WS portal Power: Battery + 4x?W wheel motors Related projects: See the Agrobotics project and the ACROSS project. Notes: Two versions were made | |
The Hortibot, an integration between the Spider grass cutter and the API built at DIAS in Denmark. Videos can be found here. Name: Hortibot. Champion: Rasmus Jørgensen Type: 4WD / 4WS modified grass cutter Power: 13kW Petrol. Notes: Modified to allow rotation, smart micro sprayer added.
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The FieldRobot event. Although technically not a robot in itself the annual FieldRobot event does promote many good agricultural robots.
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Weeding robot developed at Wageningen UR by Tijmen Bakker. (Presentation) Name: ?. Champion: Tijmen Bakker Type: 4WD / 4WS Portal tractor Power: Diesel engine Notes: Tijmen successfully defended his PhD 13 Feb 2009 | |
The SlugBot was developed to investigate the issues of energetic autonomy, by harvesting slugs and putting them into a digester to power the robot! Name: SlugBot. Champion: Ian Kelly Type: 4WD skid steer Power: (2 slugs per hour? ;) Notes: See also EcoBots | |
EcoBots I and II developed at the Bristol Robotics Laboratory, UK, use microbial fuel cells to power themselves - but very slowly. Name: EcoBot. Champion: Chris Melhuish Type: 2WD differential steer Power: Dead flies Notes: | |
The Halmstad weeding robot, Sweden. Name: ?. Champion: Albert-Jan Baerveldt / Björn Åstrand Type: Rear wheel drive / Front wheel steer Power: ? Petrol engine Notes: Vision guidance and plant recognition with mechanical weeding | |
The Modulaire tractor was designed as a remote controlled tractor in the 1990s. Nine were built in Finland and one was modified for GPS control. Here is a movie. (DivX, 4MB) Name: Modulaire. Champion:? Type: tracks Power: 40hp Notes: Front and rear linkages
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Autonomous guidance projects at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA Name:? Champion: Qin Zhang Type: Rear wheel drive / Front wheel steer Power: ? Notes: Conventional tractor modified for automatic steering | |
The AgRover robot being developed at Iowa State University, USA Name: AgRover. Champion: Lie Tang Type: Four wheel drive / Four wheel steer Power: Battery + 4 wheel motors Notes: Self levelling frame | |
The Skinny Boy robot being developed at USP san Carlos, (with EMBRAPA) Brazil. Name: Skinny Boy. Champion: Ricardo Inamasu Type: Four wheel drive / Four wheel steer Power: Battery + 4 wheel motors Notes: large stable space frame |
Minggu, 01 Mei 2011
Pengertian robot, robotik dan robotika
1. Kata robot berasal dari kosakata “Robota”
yang berarti “kerja cepat”, pekerja yang tidak mengenal rasa lelah atau bosan, budak, pekerja atau kuli
2. Kamus Bahasa Indonesia tidak ada pengertian robot, yang ada :
Robotika adalah ilmu tentang mesin robot
3. Kamus Webster pengertian robot adalah
“An automatic device that performs function ordinarily ascribed to human beings”
4. Kamus Oxford diperoleh pengertian robot adalah
A machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically, especially one programmed by a computer
5. Menurut Anatta Sannai
Robot adalah sebuah mesin yang dikendalikan dan atau diprogram melalui rangkaian mekanis, elektronika maupun komputer sehingga dapat beroperasi secara otomatis.
6. Robot Institute of America memberikan definisi robot sebagai:
“A reprogammable multifunctional manipulator designed to move materials, parts, tools or other specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks”.
7. International Standard Organization (ISO 8373) mendefinisikan robot sebagai:
“An automatically controlled, reprogrammable, multipurpose, manipulator programmable in three or more axes, which may be either fixed in place or mobile for use in industrial automation applications”.
Senin, 18 April 2011
robotik pkp @ metrotv
Selasa, 29 Maret 2011
bali robotic games 2011
Rabu, 09 Maret 2011
Festival robot 2 hut pkp, oleh klub robotik pkp jakarta islamic school
35 tahun 2011... tgl 8 maret 14 aril 2011. lomba robot mazesolving,
obstacle, line tracer dan robot kreatif... ayo bangkitkan dunia robot di
indonesia.... Allahu Akbar
Kamis, 03 Februari 2011
anatta sannai
that combine physical construction of knowledge with logic
engagement, especially in the challenging context of systems for
young children. He is also a professional narrator, capable of
inventing visual stories (his backgorund is in geography) but also
new experiences in real life that incorporate virtual aspects such as
in the many « hybrid » environments he built that combine
physical props and computational landscapes
Rabu, 26 Januari 2011
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