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Langkah kakimu melangkah beranjak Bekali pelindung diri saat mentari belum nampak Menatap mereka yang terbaring, menghampiri Lambai...
Formulir : Rp 165.000 Uang pangkal : Rp 4.500.000 Biaya perlengkapan : 2.437.000 SPP Juli 2019 : 420.000 Total : Rp 9.087.000
Alhamdulillah pembukaan turnamen Futsal antar SD/MI dalam rangka promosi MTs PKP berjalan dengan baik pada hari Sabtu, 5 Oktober 2024. Kegia...
tulis langkah membuat friendster, menambah teman, menggunakan google earth dalam bahasa inggris
MTs PKP Jakarta Islamic School dalam menghadapi era teknologi yang semakin maju dan berkembang dengan pesat, tentunya harus turut serta men...
Pagi yang cerah, matahari bersinar, kugendong tas merahku dipundak.... Sebait lagu yang menandakan betapa bahagianya siswa berangkat sekol...
I. Soal Pilihan Ganda 1. Media komunikasi dibagi menjadi dua yaitu .... A. langsung dan tidak langsung B. asli dan ...
1. open internet
BalasHapus2. write
3. find register
4. write your id
5. write confirmation
6. klik register in bottom
name : winda
class : 9-2
anggita ikawati 92
BalasHapus1. open internet
3. register
4. biodata
5. write email
6. ok
1. mozilla
BalasHapus2. frindster
3. first name
4. lastname
5. birthday
6. gender
7. register
dyah calista mia wulandari 92
i love u miss
kilik internet,, register, biodata, register
BalasHapusdinda 92
1. Go to Google Maps.
BalasHapus2. Click My Maps > Create new map. If you want to open an existing map, check it in the left panel and click Edit.
3. Add a title and description for your map. You can make your map public or unlisted. Learn more.
4. Use the icons in the the top right corner of the map. These include:
-Selection tool. Use this to drag the map and select placemarks, lines, and shapes.
-Placemark tool. Use this to add placemarks. Learn more.
-Line tool. Use this to draw lines. Learn more.
-Shape tool. Use this to draw shapes. Learn more.
Note that these tools do not appear until you create or edit a map (see step 2).
5. Once you are finished, click Done.
elazar 92
klick mozilla,, register, biodata, ok
BalasHapuselsa tiara class 92 is the best
karlina 91
BalasHapusstep add the friend at friendster
1. klick internet
2. write
3. fill email friendster and password
4. login
5. find friend
6. klik people we want to add
7. profile
8. copy lastname
9. paste lastname
10 ok
11. add as friend
Tugas B Inggris: Cara Membuat Peta dari Google Earth
BalasHapus1. Go to Google Maps.
2. Click My Maps > Create new map. If you want to open an existing map, check it in the left panel and click Edit.
3. Add a title and description for your map. You can make your map public or unlisted. Learn more.
4. Use the icons in the the top right corner of the map. These include:
-Selection tool. Use this to drag the map and select placemarks, lines, and shapes.
-Placemark tool. Use this to add placemarks. Learn more.
-Line tool. Use this to draw lines. Learn more.
-Shape tool. Use this to draw shapes. Learn more.
Note that these tools do not appear until you create or edit a map (see step 2).
5. Once you are finished, click Done.
Nov 18, '08 6:29 AM
by Durahman for users mtspkp and give2
open friendster and add friend
BalasHapusmozilla, klik www.
fill email and password
find name your friend
copy and paste
name venita 91
how to open friendster
BalasHapusklik internet
fill email and password friendster
klik find
write email
add as friend
devi amalia 91
BalasHapusopen friendster
email and password
write email
add as friendster
ummu kultsum 91
dantimts91 wrote on Nov 18
BalasHapusstep-angkah now open
1. open all sites
2. join the list of contents: the Bios, and follow the steps
3. done
steps in the search for a friend's
1. open the site
2. type the address in the email that will add or added in the box to add frens
3. type add frends wait until a friend How aprov
4. done
Tugas B Inggris: Cara Membuat Peta dari Google Earth
BalasHapus1. Go to Google Maps.
2. Click My Maps > Create new map.
3. Add a title and description for your map.
4. Use the icons in the the top right corner of the map. These include:
-Selection tool. Use this to drag the map and select placemarks, lines, and shapes.
-Placemark tool. Use this to add placemarks. Learn more.
-Line tool. Use this to draw lines. Learn more.
-Shape tool. Use this to draw shapes. Learn more.
Note that these tools do not appear until you create or edit a map (see step 2).
5. Once you are finished, click Done.
By M. Rizaldi (9-2)
Name : Dian Ramadani
BalasHapusClass : IX-2
1. Open Mozila Firefox/Internet Explorer
2. Open the site of friendster at The first step of registration are typing your Email Address, Password, First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Country and Verify Registration in the right column at the Join Friendster section. After you completely fill in the forms then the next step is click the Register button.
3. finish
Name : Iis Ismayanti
BalasHapusClass : IX-2
1. Open Mozila Firefox/Internet Explorer
2. Open the site of friendster at The first step of registration are typing your Email Address, Password, First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Country and Verify Registration in the right column at the Join Friendster section. After you completely fill in the forms then the next step is click the Register button.
BalasHapusstep by step
1. go to internet
2. google seacrh
3. to type :
4. enter
5. clik sing up
6. contens my indititas
7. registart
8. ok
step by step
1. go to internet
2. google search
3. to type :
4. enter
5. clik sign in
6. contens. email :
fswt : _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7. enter
8. go to home
9. go to profile
step by step
1. clik search/web/friendster
2. clik friendster
3. to type : friends that those look for
4. enter
5. add as friend
6. back
Name : Widhaswari.Pangestu
BalasHapusClass : IX-1
step by step
1. go to internet
2. google search
3. to type : www.
4. enter
5. click sign up
6. contens my identitas
7. registart
8. ok
1. go to internet
2. google search
3. to type :
4. enter
5. click sign up
6. contens. email :
7. enter
8. go to home
9. go to profile
name : Nasti Meilyamah
BalasHapusclass : IX-1
1.go to internet search
4.enter sign up
6.contens identitas
1.go to internet search
4.enter sign up
6.contens email:-
8.go to home
9.go to profile
Name:Fauziah Hannum
1.go to internet search
4.enter sign up
6.contens identitas
1.go to internet search
4.enter sign up
6.contens email
8.go to home
9.go to profile
Tugas B Inggris: Cara Membuat Peta dari Google Earth
BalasHapus1. Go to Google Maps.
2. Click My Maps > Create new map.
3. Add a title and description for your map.
4. Use the icons in the the top right corner of the map. These include:
-Selection tool. Use this to drag the map and select placemarks, lines, and shapes.
-Placemark tool. Use this to add placemarks. Learn more.
-Line tool. Use this to draw lines. Learn more.
-Shape tool. Use this to draw shapes. Learn more.
Note that these tools do not appear until you create or edit a map (see step 2).
5. Once you are finished, click Done.
By: Arif Budiman
Kleas: 9-2
Cara membuat peta di Google Earth
BalasHapus1. Go to Google Maps.
2. Click My Maps, then 'CREATE NEW MAP'
3. Add a title and description for your map.
4. Use the following icons:
-Selection tool. Use this to drag the map and select placemarks, lines, and shapes.
-Placemark tool. Use this to add placemarks. Learn more.
-Line tool. Use this to draw lines. Learn more.
-Shape tool. Use this to draw shapes. Learn more.
5. Click done when finished.
Nama: Ade Sofyan (9-2)
Cara membuat peta di Google Earth
BalasHapus1. Go to Google Maps
2. Click on My Maps => Create New Map.
3. Give your map description and title.
4. Use these icons:
-Selection tool. Use this to drag the map and select placemarks, lines, and shapes.
-Placemark tool. Use this to add placemarks. Learn more.
-Line tool. Use this to draw lines. Learn more.
-Shape tool. Use this to draw shapes. Learn more.
5. Click done when finished.
Name: M. Ridwan
Kelas 9-1
Cara membuat peta di Google Earth
BalasHapus1. Go to Google Maps
2. Click on My Maps => Create New Map.
3. Give your map description and title.
4. Use these icons:
-Selection tool. Use this to drag the map and select placemarks, lines, and shapes.
-Placemark tool. Use this to add placemarks. Learn more.
-Line tool. Use this to draw lines. Learn more.
-Shape tool. Use this to draw shapes. Learn more.
5. Click done when finished.
Name: Wanda N
Kelas 9-1
Cara membuat peta di Google Earth
BalasHapus1. Go to Google Maps
2. Click on My Maps => Create New Map.
3. Give your map description and title.
4. Use these icons:
-Selection tool. Use this to drag the map and select placemarks, lines, and shapes.
-Placemark tool. Use this to add placemarks. Learn more.
-Line tool. Use this to draw lines. Learn more.
-Shape tool. Use this to draw shapes. Learn more.
5. Click done when finished.
Name: Azi B
Kelas 9-1
Name:Maria Rosalina
Step by step
1. go to internet
2. google search
3. to type
4. enter
5. klik sign up
6. contens my identitas
7. register
8. ok
method to open for friendster
1. go to internet
2. google search
3. to type
4. enter
5. klik sign in
6. contens email and password
8 go to home
9. go to profile
Tugas B Inggris: Cara Membuat Peta dari Google Earth
BalasHapus1. Go to Google Maps.
2. Click My Maps > Create new map.
3. Add a title and description for your map.
4. Use the icons in the the top right corner of the map. These include:
-Selection tool. Use this to drag the map and select placemarks, lines, and shapes.
-Placemark tool. Use this to add placemarks. Learn more.
-Line tool. Use this to draw lines. Learn more.
-Shape tool. Use this to draw shapes. Learn more.
Note that these tools do not appear until you create or edit a map (see step 2).
5. Once you are finished, click Done.
By M. Rizaldi (9-2)
Tugas B Inggris: Cara Membuat Peta dari Google Earth
BalasHapus1. Go to Google Maps.
2. Click My Maps > Create new map.
3. Add a title and description for your map.
4. Use the icons in the the top right corner of the map. These include:
-Selection tool. Use this to drag the map and select placemarks, lines, and shapes.
-Placemark tool. Use this to add placemarks. Learn more.
-Line tool. Use this to draw lines. Learn more.
-Shape tool. Use this to draw shapes. Learn more.
Note that these tools do not appear until you create or edit a map (see step 2).
5. Once you are finished, click Done.
By Bagus Kardiono (9-2)
Tugas B Inggris: Cara Membuat Peta dari Google Earth
BalasHapus1. Go to Google Maps.
2. Click My Maps > Create new map.
3. Add a title and description for your map.
4. Use the icons in the the top right corner of the map. These include:
-Selection tool. Use this to drag the map and select placemarks, lines, and shapes.
-Placemark tool. Use this to add placemarks. Learn more.
-Line tool. Use this to draw lines. Learn more.
-Shape tool. Use this to draw shapes. Learn more.
Note that these tools do not appear until you create or edit a map (see step 2).
5. Once you are finished, click Done.
By Ilham Nurul Asror (9-2)
Tugas B Inggris: Cara Membuat Peta dari Google Earth
BalasHapus1. Go to Google Maps.
2. Click My Maps > Create new map.
3. Add a title and description for your map.
4. Use the icons in the the top right corner of the map. These include:
-Selection tool. Use this to drag the map and select placemarks, lines, and shapes.
-Placemark tool. Use this to add placemarks. Learn more.
-Line tool. Use this to draw lines. Learn more.
-Shape tool. Use this to draw shapes. Learn more.
Note that these tools do not appear until you create or edit a map (see step 2).
5. Once you are finished, click Done.
By: Rahafy Septiawan (9-1)
Tugas B Inggris: Cara Membuat Peta dari Google Earth
BalasHapus1. Go to Google Maps.
2. Click My Maps > Create new map.
3. Add a title and description for your map.
4. Use the icons in the the top right corner of the map. These include:
-Selection tool. Use this to drag the map and select placemarks, lines, and shapes.
-Placemark tool. Use this to add placemarks. Learn more.
-Line tool. Use this to draw lines. Learn more.
-Shape tool. Use this to draw shapes. Learn more.
Note that these tools do not appear until you create or edit a map (see step 2).
5. Once you are finished, click Done.
By: Surya Darma
Cara membuat peta di Google Earth
BalasHapus1. Go to Google Maps
2. Click on My Maps =>Create New Map.
3. Give your map description and title.
4. Use these icons:
-Selection tool. Use this to drag the map and select placemarks, lines, and shapes.
-Placemark tool. Use this to add placemarks. Learn more.
-Line tool. Use this to draw lines. Learn more.
-Shape tool. Use this to draw shapes. Learn more.
5. Click done when finished,click Done
Nama:Arif Budiman
Cara membuat peta di Google Earth
BalasHapus1. Go to Google Maps
2. Click on My Maps =>Create New Map.
3. Give your map description and title.
4. Use these icons:
-Selection tool. Use this to drag the map and select placemarks, lines, and shapes.
-Placemark tool. Use this to add placemarks. Learn more.
-Line tool. Use this to draw lines. Learn more.
-Shape tool. Use this to draw shapes. Learn more.
5. Click done when finished,click Done
Name: Angga Mandhika
Kelas: 9-1
Cara membuat peta di Google Earth
BalasHapus1. Go to Google Maps.
2. Click My Maps, then 'CREATE NEW MAP'
3. Add a title and description for your map.
4. Use the following icons:
-Selection tool. Use this to drag the map and select placemarks, lines, and shapes.
-Placemark tool. Use this to add placemarks. Learn more.
-Line tool. Use this to draw lines. Learn more.
-Shape tool. Use this to draw shapes. Learn more.
5. Click done when finished.
Nama: Guruh Maghribi
Kelas: 9-1
Once upon a time there is three of fairles to under cinderella going to forest.Three of fairles above have a plan respectively of fairles that one to make birthday cake and the other a dress, but to all fail the cake of crashed in a mess dress of the biggest, but the fairles get ide there's magic when all fairles moderate busy preparation cinderella but go home and when fairles that to say surprise and happy birthday cinderella, happy nighting cinderella go to dance party wear gown coloured blue.
BalasHapusNama : Jannia RF & Jessica RG
Kelas : 8.2
Singkat kata untuk keuntungan luar biasa yang anda bantu saya perolehi hanya dalam seminggu dengan strategi pilihan binari. Maaf kerana saya ragu pada awalnya, saya melabur $ 200 dan memperoleh $ 2,500 hanya dalam satu minggu, dan terus melabur lebih banyak lagi, hari ini saya mempunyai kewangan berjaya, anda boleh menghubunginya melalui E-mel: ( whatsapp (+447883246472) Saya nasihatkan anda jangan ragu-ragu. Dia hebat.