Sabtu, 09 April 2016

Spidey Rescue Robot (Naura, Safira, dan Andini) MTs PKP 2011
Spidey Rescue Robot Juara 2 IRO 2011 dibuat oleh Naura, Safira, dan Andini

For detect people on some where on natural disaster, like in earthquake and a twister
  1. To explore the natural disaster area example earthquake or twister
  2. To know situation on the area
  3. To collect data in a disaster area by using a camera, ultrasonic sensors, sound detectors, and speakers to deliver a message for asking help
  4. To deliver messages in the form of information gathered from the robot to the base in order to help disaster victims

ž  Height40 x Weight 40 x Tall 20 cm
ž  2.7x2.7x1.35 m
ž  Scale 1:6.75

How it works
ž  The Robot programmed based the situation
ž  This Robot controlled by a remote
ž  This Robot is using a Wireless Camera
ž  Speaker is to load helping voice
ž  This Robot has 3 sensors
      Sound Sensor use for detect human voice or any others sound
      Ultrasonic Sensor use to see an object
      Color Sensor uses if Ultrasonic or Sound Sensors detect object or sound
ž  Transmit data from robot to the receiver in base

1.      Sound Sensor  = To detect human voice or others sound
2.      Ultrasonic Sensor = To detect an object
3.      Color Sensor = Is to detect if Ultrasonic or Sound Sensors detect object or sound
4.      Legs = To explore the area
5.      Wireless Camera = Watching Situation
6.      Wireless Transmiter = To transmit the data
7.      Color Monitor = To describe the color
8.      Motor Servo = To move the legs
9.      Cable = To connect the other component
10.  Battery = To store the power

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