MTs PKP Jakarta Islamic School
Rabu, 28 Desember 2011
SPIDY RESCUE ROBOT ( MTs PKP Jakarta Islamic School )
For detect people on some where on natural disaster, like in earthquake and a twister
- To explore the natural disaster area example earthquake or twister
- To know situation on the area
- To collect data in a disaster area by using a camera, ultrasonic sensors, sound detectors, and speakers to deliver a message for asking help
- To deliver messages in the form of information gathered from the robot to the base in order to help disaster victims
Height40 x Weight 40 x Tall 20 cm
2.7x2.7x1.35 m
Scale 1:6.75
How it works
The Robot programmed based the situation
This Robot controlled by a remote
This Robot is using a Wireless Camera
Speaker is to load helping voice
This Robot has 3 sensors
› Sound Sensor use for detect human voice or any others sound
› Ultrasonic Sensor use to see an object
› Color Sensor uses if Ultrasonic or Sound Sensors detect object or sound
Transmit data from robot to the receiver in base
1. Sound Sensor = To detect human voice or others sound
2. Ultrasonic Sensor = To detect an object
3. Color Sensor = Is to detect if Ultrasonic or Sound Sensors detect object or sound
4. Legs = To explore the area
5. Wireless Camera = Watching Situation
6. Wireless Transmiter = To transmit the data
7. Color Monitor = To describe the color
8. Motor Servo = To move the legs
9. Cable = To connect the other component
Battery = To store the powerRabu, 14 Desember 2011
robot pkp jis
dukung dan pilih robot dari pkp jakarta islamic school ya mewakili d INDONESIA di IRO 2011>>SPIDY RESCUE ROBOT, D-1, TheloperBot>> di
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